Monday, July 27, 2015

And Just What HAVE you done with your life?

So much to write about, so little time.  Been waxing nostalgic lately, what with catching up with long-lost relatives, finding new ones (via by the by) and thinking a lot about times past.  To that end, I want to start capturing bits of memory that I fear will be lost, like the list of all the cars I've ever owned. 

For now, I'm starting with making a list (hopefully exhaustive) of all the jobs I've had. I have not had to prepare a resume for over 30 years, so here goes (and it will no doubt be edited over time):

  • Ice cream entrepreneur - running the one and only street treat cart in Mt. Morris, Illinois
  • Soda jerk at local drive in, Mt. Morris, Illinois
  • Retail sales, Men's Clothing - either Ackers or Bordners (down the street from the bank)
  • Grocery boy - M&M Super Market, Mt. Morris, IL
  • Paper boy - Mt. Morris, IL
  • Janitor at the high school while attending
  • Sewer cleaner, Village of Mt. Morris, IL
  • Police Radio Dispatcher and Animal Control Officer, Decorah Police Dept., Decorah, IA
  • Quality Control Flunkie, Kable Printing Company, for one summer - [this will be a great story for a later blog]
  • Jailer/Dispatcher, Filmore County Sheriff's Office, Preston, MN
  • Bartender, American Legion, Mt. Morris, IL
  • Radio Operator, Ogle County Sheriff's Dept., Oregon, IL
  • Deputy Sheriff/Youth Officer, Ogle County, IL
  • Part-owner/operator, Valley Kartway Go Kart Track, Miniature Golf, Snowmobile Sales and Service, Artic Cat Dealership, and Small Engine Repair
  • Police Officer and Director of Ambulance Service, Byron, IL
  • Truck Driver/Labor (erecting grain bins, delivering feed), Farmer's Coop, Byron, IL
  • Security Guard, Barnum and Bailey Circus, Carbondale, IL
  • Graduate Assistant, SIU, Carbondale, IL
  • Visiting Instructor, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
  • Part time grill cook, Golden Bear Restaurant, Carbondale, IL
  • EMT/Paramedic, AIDS Ambulance, Rockford, IL
  • Bar Manager, Leombruni's Italian Villages, Byron and Rockford, IL
  • Senior Probation Officer, Winnebago County Juvenile Court Service
  • Assistant Director, Tour Director, Percussion Instructor, Bus Driver, Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps (circa 1984-1997)
  • Founder and Executive Director, Midwest Correctional Services, aka Comprehensive Community Solutions, Rockford, IL
  • Percussionist, Rockford Symphony Orchestra
WHEW!  Let's leave it at that for tonight, while I review the list and try to figure out if there is a common thread here??? 

Readers and friends - feel free to weigh in if you remember one I forgot.