Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blog the 1st

Years back, I wanted to start a book.....never got traction beyond I believe a chapter outline and maybe a stab at the first page. If I had a nickel for every time I've said "that's going to be a chapter in my book".  Well, back then there weren't blogs.  Brace thyself....here comes mine.

First a word about the address of the blog - humpy3rd.  Don't read it that way!  "Humpy" was the nickname of both my grandfather and my dad, and thus, I am Humpy the 3rd.  I have never told many people of this and the story of it will be the subject of later posts, I'm sure.

Secondly, the title - "I'm not finished yet".  My dad wrote a column for my hometown newspaper, the Mt. Morris Times, titled "At the Finish Line", a sports column.  He really had an incredible way with words.  I thought about calling this "On the Starting Line" in honor of my years with drum corps, but at age almost-65 it didn't seem right.  Since I'm not "at the finish line" by any means, couldn't use that. My chosen title is meant to say that I feel as if I have a LOT more to do in this cosmos, and recent events and people have made me even more determined to do so. 

I have just, in the last 4 days, gone from feeling like I should go home after work, crash on the couch and slog my way back through it tomorrow, to actually today wondering out loud why there weren't enough hours in the day to do ALL the things I want to do.  To say all the things I want to say. To spend time with all the people I want to spend time with but maybe never will.  Guess that's a good set of opportunities to pursue.

Welcome to my blog.  Believe me, I have lots of stories, insights and tidbits to share.  I hope you'll join me from time to time. 

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